The “more progress” I refer to is that, I’ve applied the undercoat/primer, however, on the other hand, the “more work” refers to the fact that I purchased another Revell F10 kit!!! – I just can’t believe what I did – I’m still in shock – it’s at least 20 years since I built a plastic formula 1 kit and then, in the space of a month, I’ve started two!  Since I started the first one I’ve really been bitten by the bug in more ways than one – I absolutely love the lines of the F10 – (it’s a clear second favourite from the 2010 line up to the RB6 which is a stunning piece of design) – there’s just something about it and I’m also enjoying the building – it’s actually nice to be reunited with the whole assembly process. As I was being carried through what seemed “an all too easy” assembly process with this feelgood factor, I started to think of doing another version of the F10 – I’ll often get it into my head that it’s as easy to build two as it is to build one of any thing – unfortunately that approach has gotten me into trouble on more occasions than I care to remember (as evidenced by the plethora of unfinished second pieces littering my studio)!  So far my “two for the price of one” is off to a good start – both kits are well underway and both a already primed – so I’ll give myself a “tick in the box” for that and hope that I can maintain the momentum – more on these two later – in the meantime, while there isn’t a whole lot to actually look at – here are a few shots of the work done so far!