It’s a while since I watched LeMans (the movie) but as part of some research I was doing lately I came across this wonderful digitized still photo from the movie showing Steve McQueen (the lead actor) giving the “two fingered” salute to one of his opponents. As I like nothing better than to capture these moments in miniature vignettes, I embarked on a small conversion exercise using a suitable 1/43 scale Denizen figure. It involved making new arms and hands and revising his hairline and neck scarf and I also replaced the helmet with a suitable earlier open faced version and I also added gloves- so lots of drilling and pinning! A photo of my most recent use of this figure (without these mods- for comparison purposes) is a version of Gilles Villeneuve – see last photo below. Of course I couldn’t stop at that, and as I was in the process of carrying out this “surgery” I remembered I had a 1/24 scale figure of McQueen from Model Factory Hiro – so while I was at it, I decided to subject him to the same fate – when the creative juices are flowing there is just no stopping them sometimes! So far so good with the 43rd scale figure, it’s pretty much there – just a little more Miliput for his right hand. I’ve already started chopping the larger figure – so I better start mixing more Miliput for his arm and head – more later……