This is a little 1/32nd scale vignette I started the other day using two metal figures which I’ve had stashed away for quite some time. The policeman is a Phoenix casting which I must have bought over 30 years ago in London in a figure shop which is sadly no longer in existence called; Under Two Flags and which if I remember correctly, was run by a very kindly Scottish gentleman called, Jock Coutts, – ah those were the days! Anyway back to the figures, the little boy is an Andrea casting from the Western series and in fact, he’s actually from a vignette called; “Gunfigher Glamour”!  I came by him when I purchased a job lot of figures from one of the many stalls at the War and Peace show in Kent about 10 years ago and he happened to be mixed in with a lot of other random figures. When I picked them both up recently while rummaging through my stock, I thought they would make a nice little combination.  The enquiring stance of the policeman combined with the innocent (or guilty) and startled look of the little boy made them ideal “partners”. The little boy would appear to be saying; “It wasn’t me” so, I thought a catapult (slightly concealed in his right hand) might help the narrative! A little fuse-wire and metal foil did the job. So I’ll finish the prepping and get some primer on them ready for painting, Cheers for now,