The Italian company; Revival Internantional produce a range of diecast racing car kits in 1/20 which include opening body panels and detailed engines. Some of the engines from these models are also available as kits in their own right. I’m building there at the moment; Alfa Romeo P3 1935, Maserati 250F and Ferrari 156 (from the Sharknose f1 car). My first impressions are that while not entirely crude, the castings are not as sharp as they should be. Having said that, they provide a lot of potential to a modeller with reasonable experience.  Assembly of the engine kits (out of the box) is quite straightforward, however, for those wanting to maximise the potential they offer, be prepared for some extra work in order to enhance and refine the details.  Each kit presents it’s own challenges so I’ll review each one individually during the build. So far, I’ve just completed the basic construction of the engine blocks and cylinder heads so prior to giving them a coat of primer I’ll fill some of the (unsightly) gaps and seams.  As I’ll be using these engines in some sort of workshop diorama (which I haven’t quite worked out yet!), I don’t intend doing a “super detail” job on each one, I’m just keen to highlight some of their detail characteristics.  More on these three later, Cheers for now.