As a result of developing cateracts in both eyes over the last few months, I’m having to switch my painting hours to larger scale figures and away from the smaller 1/43rd scale which I tend to favour.  I’m reassured by the Opthamologist that surgery will cure the problem (which he will carry out later in the year – one eye at a time) and in the meantime, I have to wait while the cateracts “ripen” or develop!   I’m keeping my “hand in” so to speak by mainly painting larger scale figures, but having said that, I still do a little painting on the smaller ones by blocking in the color masses.  Like a lot of things in life, we sometimes fail to really appreciate our gifts (which we often take for granted) until we no longer have them, such as our eyesight! I’m also very fortunate that my situation can be corrected with the aid of new medical technology and the gifted and talented hands of wonderful surgeons. Many others who lose their sight are not that fortunate (for a variety of reasons), so I should be (and am) very thankful. Thanks also to many of you who have sent good wishes and for your patience and understanding for the slow and delayed completions on various projects.