I thought I was pretty much up to date on all the F1 character figures currently available until I came across Immense Miniatures; a great name and stunning figures. Produced in a range of scales and crisply cast in resin with absolutely fantastic likenesses. My particular favourites being Clark, Hill and Neubaur and another 60’s driver with a very Dan Gurney(ish) look about him!. They are great people to deal with – Marc looked after my order and couldn’t have been more helpful. Figures are all well priced and shipping was very reasonable, swift and secure – all “Immensely” satisfying – (sorry couldn’t resist it)!  The minute I saw the bare-headed figure of Graham Hill it reminded me of my unbuilt 1/24 Lotus 49B by Heller – sometimes we just need a little bit of encouragement to get these other projects kick-started (to add to the already jammed WIP) and I have to say, when I opened the package this morning the figures are even better than expected and just crying out to be painted. Judging by the scales on offer, I imagine the figures are aimed mainly the Slotcar fraternity and I would hope that in time, Immense will produce them in the now more popular scale for F1 car models, ie 1/20 eg, MFH, Ebbro & Tamiya and possibly add some other characters from the same era such as; Jackie Stewart and Jo Siffert to name just two! I had planned to work on a couple of other projects this weekend, but I think I ‘ll make a start on that Heller Lotus 49 – well at least I’ll get the tub together so that I can justify painting Graham and so he has somewhere to sit while he waits on the rest of the car to follow!, Cheers more later.