My previous post refers, and I now have quite a number of characters to add to the original pair of Jackie & Helen. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m hoping to have all the final pieces in place in the next couple of days so I can call on the services of my good friend John Murphy to make the rubber moulds. Once John has worked “his magic”, I can then do some casting and ultimately, get the paints out and hopefully bring the characters to life! .
In addition to the two original figures they are now joined by the following:
Two cool dudes sporting long hair and sideburns together with the flared / bellbottom trousers – all typical of the time. I’ve given each of them a sports bag and in particular, I’ve tried to make one of the bags as a photographic holdall which would have been emblazoned in the colors of Kodak.
The others are all females sporting a combination of timeless hairdoos, flared trousers, hot pants and the ubiquitous footwear of the time; platforms and boots.