I eventually got the first couple of figures from this lot to a point where they are begining to look the part. One of the male spectators is sporting a Rolliflex camera (I always loved those), TWA kit bag together with hairstyle and clothes appropriate to the period. Jackie and Helen (Stewart) are nearly there, but I still have to make up some Tyrrell related decals for his team jacket. All figures are based on modified commercial castings and then recast by hand. So far so good…, more soon……..As of Dec 8th, just added some iconic F1 brands in the form of two glamorous females; one sporting a Yardley outfit (sponsors of both BRM and McLaren teams back in the day (in different seasons) and athe other lady lending her support to the UOP Shadow team. For now, I’ve just suggested the logos with paint but I have appropriate decals in train to complete both figures. I’ve added some pics of the real merchandise which provided the inspiration. More later on this group.