Some of my earliest childhood “play” memories are my obsession to draw and paint.  As a child, I loved to get hold of newly pared pencils or a box of paints and then spend hours drawing and colouring.  Many of the subjects I painted came from boys comics of the time as there wasn’t much TV growing up in Dublin in the fifties!   So lots of what I drew were cowboys from westerns or soldiers fighting in various places during the second world war.  I also developed a love for Motor Sport at a very young age – ever since my father brought me to my first race in Dublins Phoenix Park, I developed a great passion for the smells and sounds associated with Motor Sport.  I paint a wide range of subjects from still lifes to landscapes and anything which catches my “inner” eye!      On the other hand, I also like to work in a three dimensional way making and painting miniature figures.  After nearly 40 years making and painting military figures from a variety of eras and conflicts, I’m now focussed on bringing some of my favourite “motorsport moments” to life making and painting miniature figures to represent many of the famous characters from the world of Formula 1.  Recently I was thrilled when the national broadcaster featured my work on the very popular Nationwide TV programme broadcast each evening on RTE1. Contact me by Email: pmarshall25@gmail.com


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