More priming and undercoating – mindnumbing stuff!!

As usual, when I examined yesterdays batch at close quarters, I saw areas which needed further attention – so with more re-work in prospect, I added in more items in need of some primer including some more tool sets and a nice pair of 43rd scale figures together with some really nice 43rd scale armco from Denizen and two 24th scale drivers one of which is the Alonso figure for the F10 I’m building; the other one is an old Modellers figure representing Schumacher (pre Hans era). – Tomorrow is another day so I’ll let these dry and have another … Continue reading More priming and undercoating – mindnumbing stuff!!

Priming and undercoating – essential, but Boring stuff!

Boring as hell but for sure an essential part of model-making.    As I usually have up to 20 projects on the go at any one time, I generally try to include as many pieces as possible in one priming session, as I just find the whole process so boring and time consuming.  Apart from the actual spraying, the preparation takes up an enormous amount of time, but having said that, it’s an absolute must in terms of getting paint to stick  to the surface.  Initially I started out painting the Villeneuve helmets (I mentioned in yesterdays post) and then I … Continue reading Priming and undercoating – essential, but Boring stuff!

Gilles Villeneuve GF-models Driver figure WIP

I eventually got back to my line up of 1/20 driver figures and today I decided to tackle the Villeneuve figure and try to make some progress – it’s the dreaded “day job” – keeps slowing me down and distracting me!   I actually now have three Villeneuve figures on the go at the moment, different versions from 1977 to 1982 – (with and without the helmet).   One great aspect of these GF figures is the variety of helmet options they provide.  In the case of this Villeneuve kit, both the Bell and GPA helmets are included – so rather than … Continue reading Gilles Villeneuve GF-models Driver figure WIP

Revell Ferrari F10 – WIP

After sanding down the body, I gave it another two coats of the Tamiya Ferrari red – unfortunately with mixed results once again!  I’m still having problems avoiding the dreaded orange -peel finish!   So, I’ll give it another sanding and then apply a couple of coats of clear as I’m not getting the finish I want from the paint – (more likely my fault than the paint as I’m way out of practice doing this) – so more later and hopefully I’ll solve the paint problem. Continue reading Revell Ferrari F10 – WIP

Vale 46 “WIP”

I started work on the Pegaso “Valentina” – figure today – somehow I managed to shake off that cold so as I was feeling much better, I decided to start the assembly process.  I have another couple of figues nearly ready for priming, so I thought if I got this assembled I could include it in the same batch for painting.   As with all figures (but particularly metal ones – due to their weight) I pinned all the main joints.  I drilled each joint out and used some very stout heavy gauge wire and superglue to anchor them.  Not shown … Continue reading Vale 46 “WIP”

Armco, Lemsip and lead foil – a great cure for the common cold!

I’m laying low today with a bit of a head cold, so my output from the studio wasn’t great.  I piled in some vitamin c together with Panadol and armed with a few of boxes of tissues I did some on-line research for a couple of F1 modelling projects I’m planning.  I also got to work with some lead foil to finish off the Armco barrier I started a while back – nothing too taxing – when I needed a break from the web, I spent a while forming some foil round the end of the armco with a wooden … Continue reading Armco, Lemsip and lead foil – a great cure for the common cold!

Vale 46

I’ve purchased a few figures on-line recently – one of which arrived today from Paderos in Germany who, by the way offer a great service, packaging and shipping etc.  Entitled “Valentina” (as opposed to Valentino – I wonder why?) it’s a rather saucy metal figure from the “Pegaso Girl”  range and well up to the usual Pegaso casting and detail standard.   In the interests of decency I will of course avert my eyes when I paint this figure – Doh!  This will ensure I take absolutely no pleasure from the process – well what else can I say!!!!    This … Continue reading Vale 46

Tamiya 1/20 Armco crash barrier

As an addition to the base for some of the 1/20 driver figures I’m building  at the moment, I’m going to use a piece of Armco barrier from  the plastic Tamiya pit set (see pic of set from Tamiya site).  The contents of the set are quite good and it still stands the test of  time since I bought it over 20 years ago!   When I bought it back then, I was building a Tamiya kit every couple of months and I must have intended doing some sort of diorama with all the cars I’d collected, except I ran … Continue reading Tamiya 1/20 Armco crash barrier