Alain Prost 1/20 miniature driver figure

I’m still popping back to my line-up of miniature driver figures from time to time and yesterday, I spent a while painting the flesh tones on this Alain Prost figure.  It’s based on an old Modellers figure which I have modified slightly (see earlier posts) – I’m reasonably happy with it so far so next time, I’ll paint the stitching and shading on the clothing followed with the helmet and the application of decals etc – more on this one soon. Continue reading Alain Prost 1/20 miniature driver figure

Ayrton Senna Senninha 1/20 scale driver figure

Still sticking with my miniature driver figures, I spent the afternoon refining the painting on this 1/20 figure of Ayrton Senna.  The figure is by CRAFT10 – a resin casting with brilliant crisp surface detail sporting a good facial likeness and a nice relaxed pose.    I’ve depicted him in wearing his Rothmans overalls from the tragic ’94 season at Williams, and rather than the Senna “S” logo on the T shirt, I decided to paint on the logo of his childrens charity, the “Senninha” foundation – which thankfully is still going strong with the guidance of his sister.   As I’m … Continue reading Ayrton Senna Senninha 1/20 scale driver figure

Michael Schumacher – 1/20 Driver Figures

I eventually had to take a break from the sketching, and today I spent a couple of hours blocking in the main values on these two resin Schumacher figures.  They are both 1/20 scale made by GF- models – I’ve modified them slightly by adding the gloves.  I’ll use decals for the “Marlboro” version , however, as I don’t have ones suitable for the “Barcode” version I’ll have to paint in the main logos.  I’ve already drilled out the parts of the helmets to take the visor lugs, radio cable and drink tube – more on these two later…meanwhile I’ll … Continue reading Michael Schumacher – 1/20 Driver Figures

Michael Schumacher 1/20 figure – WIP Monaco 2006

This is another 1/20 resin figure I have “on the go” at the moment.  It’s an original GF-models figure which I have converted into a more relaxed stance depicting Michael Schumacher at the Monaco Grand Prix in 2006.  This was the race where Schumacher famously “parked” his car at the Rascasse corner and thereby blocking Alonso (who was on his fast lap) from setting a faster time!  I’m not sure of the significance of it, but Schumacher also wore a very distinctive race suit at this grand prix – whatever the reason, it didn’t stop the stewards from penalising his … Continue reading Michael Schumacher 1/20 figure – WIP Monaco 2006