Another Exoto weather(ing) report!!
Step two of this ongoing (and rather slow process) process! Continue reading Another Exoto weather(ing) report!!
Step two of this ongoing (and rather slow process) process! Continue reading Another Exoto weather(ing) report!!
I eventually got the first couple of figures from this lot to a point where they are begining to look the part. Continue reading “Some iconic F1 brands join the “JYS” troupe – updated Dec 9th”
At long last I’ve gotten this Tazio Nuvolari figure completed – there’s just something about the grittiness of his character that is so difficult to capture. Perhaps there are elements of it that I’ve succeeded with in this effort but one way or the other, I’ll keep trying. Continue reading “Tazio Nuvolari in 43rd -(Updated 31st Oct)”
In this workbench cluster I have five 43rd figures together with a rather surprising “find” in 1/32 scale! Continue reading “Workbench update……(7th Aug)”
As a result of developing cateracts in both eyes over the last few months, I’m having to switch my painting hours to larger scale figures and away from the smaller 1/43rd scale which I tend to favour. Continue reading “Size matters…..!”
It’s official – the man is nothing short of a “Wizard” (and a really nice guy into the bargain) – John Murphy turned my large casting job (seven figures) round in double quick time. Continue reading ““Marvellous Murphy” and his magic “casting” spell! (1st October)”
Chapman large and small (or should that be Chapmen – doh!) in 1/20 and 1/43 scale- there’s quite a difference when they stand side by side. Continue reading “Two “Chappies””