“Le Petit Professeur”!

This is another of my 1/43rd scale driver figures.  Cast in metal by Denizen it has a remarkable likeness to Alain Prost! aka: “Le petit Professeur”. Other than using one “Marlboro” decal for the back of the figure, I finished the rest in Valejo acrylics (using a little bit of artistic licence here and there!) followed by two protective coats of matte varnish.  The gloves (which are cast flat) are also a Denizen item.  I was undecided about how to place them with the figure so I used two pairs (one flat and the other I bent with a pair … Continue reading “Le Petit Professeur”!

Jackie Stewart 43rd scale

I got most of the details added to this Denizen figure over the week-end.  I decided to paint it up to represent Jackie Stewart – so hopefully with the addition of the tartan on the helmet (which I painted on) and perched beside the 1969  Matra (a Quartzo model which I removed the driver from) it goes some way to looking like JYS !  I’m not able to pin it down exactly, but midway through 1969 I believe Jackie moved from th Buco open face to the full face Bell helmet, so this figure represents the attire he would have … Continue reading Jackie Stewart 43rd scale

Is time running out for Bernie?

I finished the detail painting of my 43rd scale figure of “Bernie” (Mr F1). I gave him a couple of coats of protective varnish and perched him atop an F1 timepiece for a miniature photo- shoot!   I’m having some problems at the moment with the macro setting on my Fuji Finepix camera – it comes and goes, as it gets itself confused about what it’s trying to do!  However, today it behaved itself and dealt admirably with the restricted depth of field on all settings!  On the subject of “Bernie’s” tenure at the helm of the F1 empire grinding to … Continue reading Is time running out for Bernie?

Denizen Miniatures – more WIP!

Spent the morning putting some more detail on my latest batch of 43rd scale figures – all Denizen castings. I concentrated on this lot which includes, Gilles Villeneuve, Jackie Stewart, Denny Hulme, “Bernie”, Alain Prost  and a Marlboro “Pit-babe”. I pretty much finished the Bernie figure and over the next 24 hours I’ll make a third pass with appropriate decals, and shading – hopefully I’ll post more progress tomorrow, Cheers, Continue reading Denizen Miniatures – more WIP!

The (un)-usual little suspects!

I’m trying to keep the motivation going on the painting front – it’s difficult at the moment spending any time in the studio with the warm weather we are having.  Rather than spend a beautiful morning indoors, I took some of my reference material (scrap books & cutouts etc) and tidied them into some folders and at the same time, lapped up a beautiful warm southerly breeze on the back deck.   I always think it’s worth being very deliberate about enjoying good weather when it does come.  The winter will be long and cold and sometimes treasured memories of warmer … Continue reading The (un)-usual little suspects!

Mini Helmets – 1/43 Denizen

These are a couple of driver helmets from the Denizen range in 1/43 scale I found lurking at the side of the bench – so I painted them up in some of the more recognizable liveries – ie Hill, Amon, Cevert (in the early days he didn’t put his name on the helmet!) Siffert – all painted in Vallejo acrylics with a couple of coats of klear. Continue reading Mini Helmets – 1/43 Denizen

Tameo March 1/43 Vittorio Brambilla – winner Austria 1975

I’ve always been a fan of 43rd scale model cars – many years ago (too many!) I built a fair number of them, but then got into larger scale cars, armour and military figures.   Recently I’ve started back into building motorsport related models (figures mainly) and after seeing a build-thread of one of these Tameo kits on Britmodeller, I  got a real buzz to “have a go” so browsing on-line recently I picked up two kits on Ebay this one; a March 751 and the other a Brabham BT26 (by SMTS).   Of the two, the Tameo is manufactured to a … Continue reading Tameo March 1/43 Vittorio Brambilla – winner Austria 1975

More priming and undercoating – mindnumbing stuff!!

As usual, when I examined yesterdays batch at close quarters, I saw areas which needed further attention – so with more re-work in prospect, I added in more items in need of some primer including some more tool sets and a nice pair of 43rd scale figures together with some really nice 43rd scale armco from Denizen and two 24th scale drivers one of which is the Alonso figure for the F10 I’m building; the other one is an old Modellers figure representing Schumacher (pre Hans era). – Tomorrow is another day so I’ll let these dry and have another … Continue reading More priming and undercoating – mindnumbing stuff!!

Priming and undercoating – essential, but Boring stuff!

Boring as hell but for sure an essential part of model-making.    As I usually have up to 20 projects on the go at any one time, I generally try to include as many pieces as possible in one priming session, as I just find the whole process so boring and time consuming.  Apart from the actual spraying, the preparation takes up an enormous amount of time, but having said that, it’s an absolute must in terms of getting paint to stick  to the surface.  Initially I started out painting the Villeneuve helmets (I mentioned in yesterdays post) and then I … Continue reading Priming and undercoating – essential, but Boring stuff!

Wonderful Motorsport photo’s by Gerald Swan

I was researching the Brabham BT26 as I’m just about to start building a 43rd scale model of one, and I came across the most wonderful collection of photographs by a gentleman by the name of Gerald Swan.  All wonderful images from the Golden era of British motorsport (1969 – 74) – wonderfully archived by event and location – including evocative races like “Race of Champions” and the “Guards Throphy” – all great stuff when it comes to researching any number of cars from that era – many thanks Gerald. As a follow-on to my last post, I thought I … Continue reading Wonderful Motorsport photo’s by Gerald Swan