All things black and beautiful!
“All things black and beautiful”; an ongoing exercise of mine in painting models black! Continue reading “All things black and beautiful!”
“All things black and beautiful”; an ongoing exercise of mine in painting models black! Continue reading “All things black and beautiful!”
I finally made a start on the old and partly (badly) built 1/20 Alfa P3 kit I picked up earlier in the year. Continue reading “Nuvolari and the Alfas”
John Murphy has done another fine batch of castings for me of these five 1/43 character figures. Continue reading “More magic from Murphy!”
….or some such other noble phrase -(it was all I could think of at the time) – so apologies if it sounds a bit OTT! Continue reading “Basking in the gaze of their master……..”
As a result of developing cateracts in both eyes over the last few months, I’m having to switch my painting hours to larger scale figures and away from the smaller 1/43rd scale which I tend to favour. Continue reading “Size matters…..!”
…and in particular to Michael Schumacher and his family. Continue reading “Best New Year Wishes…………….”
I bought this Casadio Alfa Romeo (P3) 1/20 scale metal kit on Ebay recently. Some partial assembly has been done by the previous owner and judging by the poor finish, I would say it was done by someone who had little or no experience at model building – hence I got it at a good price. Continue reading “Casadio (Revival) Alfa Romeo P3 1/20 scale”
The Italian company; Revival Internantional produce a range of diecast racing car kits in 1/20 which include opening body panels and detailed engines. Some of the engines from these models are also available as kits in their own right. Continue reading “Diecast engines in 1/20 scale”