Best New Year Wishes…………….

…and in particular to Michael Schumacher and his family. Continue reading “Best New Year Wishes…………….”
…and in particular to Michael Schumacher and his family. Continue reading “Best New Year Wishes…………….”
Following on from the Schumacher figure I did of him in Jordan livery, I did this one from his early stint with the Benetton team – (91/92 I think) – that leaves me with two further variants of the livery from his time with Benetton to do Continue reading “Another little Schumi!”
I always liked the look of this particular figure from Denizen Miniatures. Like all the figures in the Denizen range they have wonderful anatomical proportions for tiny 43rd scale, so I plucked this one from my stock of primed and based figures this morning and decided that I would paint him up as Michael Schumacher in his 7up Jordan colours when he made his F1 debut back in 1991. Had he not been poached away by Flavio to the Benetton team, things might have worked out differently for EJ’s team…….bla bla … and if pigs could fly Continue reading “Michael Schumacher Jordan 191 Spa Belgium 1991 -1/43 scale figure”
Another of my diecasts – this time a 1/18 Ferrari with all the bells and whistles – opening panels – beautiful paint finish – highly detailed interior and everything else you would expect from Kyosho. Once again, I’ll paint up a 1/18 Schumacher figure to” keep watch over it”! and perhaps I’ll also apply some racing decals on the car itself . In the meantime enjoy the pic’s. Continue reading Kyosho Ferrari 575GTC
Some shots of the final product – once again a GF-models fgure sporting the 2007-ish ferrari garbe – Schuberth helmet, Hans device Puma suit – branding is a mixture of Marlboro and Barcode (which I referred to in an earlier post) – To get the best from the figure I made some additions / amendments in the area of boots, gloves and drink tube / comms wiring in the helmet. The hinges for the helmet visor are domestic pins and 3d paint was used to represent the small lifting handles in the centre of the tear-offs (which are thin strips … Continue reading Another 1/20 Schumacher driver figure!
At last I’ve united “Schumi” with his completed Schuberth helmet and gloves. I’ve posed him with a piece of armco (which I still have yet to properly paint) to take a few shots.  He’s depicted in the “Rainbow” colored driving suit he wore during the Monaco Grand Prix of 2006. That was the time when he “parked” at the Rascasse corner during qualifying and thereby robbing Alonso (who was following behind on a “hot” lap) of a quicker time – seen here on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jcHrHUJdu0&NR=1&feature=fvwp Continue reading The “NO PARKING” incident – Monaco 2006
Eventually; with all the relevant detail – more driver figures on the way! Continue reading Schumi’s Lid – FINISHED!
Continuing on with the GF driver figure, I want to include some extra detail in the helmet/visor. On the helmet itself, I’ll include a drink tube extending from the helmet and the visor will look a lot better if I include the lifting handle at the front together with the small lift handles on either side and the tear-off visor ends. I’ll also attach two small inflator tubes to the shoulder pads for the Hans device. Firstly, the drink tube is made from a length of plastic taken from a department store price tag – (the type which attaches to … Continue reading Schumachers Schuberth lid
I just finished putting the last of the decals on – a bit of a mixture in terms of the main sponsor (Marlboro) – I started out with the “Barcoded” livery in mind, and as I didn’t have a set of appropriate decals to hand I painted the main barcode panel on the back of the suit. That was some weeks ago, and in the meantime I’ve been working on various other items and figures, jumping from one thing to the next, and when I restarted this figure the other day I’d forgotten about barcodes and instead went straight ahead … Continue reading Michael Schumacher 1/20 Driver figure – nearly there!
I eventually put the finishing touches to this Schumacher figure by painting waht some might consider a controversial lable on his drink bottle – well if you can’t beat them, join them! Continue reading Best way to win a F1 race – drink your competitors fuel!